How to use social media to help your job search

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In this new age of technology, social media has been a prominent tool in connecting with others and showing the world who you are. Social media, specifically, is also a great way to build your network and advertise what your talents are, what your hobbies are and what you can bring to the table within your career field. With the boom of social media, there are so many possible sites that you can utilize. Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook are just a few key players in the game.

Here are some tips on how to use social media to help your job search.

Keep everything G rated. Remember that you are using your social media presence to attract and engage with future employers. Because of this, you must remember to keep everything that you put on social media squeaky clean. Steer clear of profanity, party pics, politically controversial, super long rants…you get it. Not thing that you don’t want your ninety-year-old grandmother seeing.

Establish your personal brand. Your brand is who you are to the public. Are you good with tech? Do you love the outdoors? Do you spend a lot of time traveling? Whoever you are and whatever you do, find ways to post it creatively so that people can get a feel for what kind of person you are and if they think you are right for the position. Make sure to keep your brand consistent across platforms.

Follow and engage with companies in your career field. Adding companies to groups, being an active follower of their account and engaging with other followers and community members is a great way to network and stay updated with job openings within your industry. Some companies don’t post their openings on job finding websites. You have to already be engaged in with the company or know someone who is to find out about the job. This is where networking can be your lifesaver. Someone once told me that one of the best ways to get your dream job is to find your dream company on social media and follow it.

Hannah Sharp
Marketing Intern