How to Attract and Retain Great Talent

How to Attract and Retain Great Talent 150 150 kupplinadmin

Throughout our time in the staffing industry (both technology and general), we have found that there are critical steps that employers need to take when hiring new staff members.

Know what you want

There are times when employers are moving so fast and a job description gets sent out. Recruiters will find potential staff for that position but the hiring manager had something else in mind.

What makes the difference is taking the time to really understand what the project or task is. More communication and understanding will alleviate a lot of stress when the job does not turn out to be what the candidate thought it was, or when the employer is not happy with a specific candidate’s performance.

Here at SOAL we take the time to truly understand what each side is looking for. “If we don’t, then a good fit is left up to chance, and nobody wants that to happen,” said Ahmed Moledina, CEO of SOAL Technologies. “We have found that the more thorough we can be on the front end of a project or placement, the more successful our projects turn out.”

Open lines of communication are critical to successfully placing staff in long-term or short-term hiring solutions.

Know what they want

Aside from wanting a job, Millennials today want to contribute to more than just the bottom line. This generation is driven by wanting to belong to something bigger; a feeling of community and purpose are important ingredients to successful long-term employment. Whether temporary or permanent, employees will respond better if they can see how their contributions help others.

The research shows how important it is to engage young workers in more than just a “job”. SOAL recruiters spend that quality time to find out what motivates their candidates and how they can best be matched with companies and projects that speak to their ambition and purpose.

Onboard the right way

Once you have clarified your hiring needs, identified the tangible and intangible benefits, and you have the perfect candidate, now the work begins. It is critical to onboard your staffers the right way. This means having the desk, computer, and any and all tools up and running when your candidate walks in the door.

Part of the process is ensuring the hiring manager goes to lunch with the new hire within the first week. This may sound basic, it is critical to build in time to engage new staff members so you can give them the lay of the land and help them understand the culture of the institution. Without this guidance, new staffs are left on their own to drift around the company finding information that may or may not be true.

Hiring is usually done under duress either through planned or unplanned transitions. With these tips in mind, you can ensure a smooth transition for both you and your new employees.