Stop stressing and start studying

Stop stressing and start studying 150 150 kupplinadmin

Job hunting. Sometimes it feels impossible. You send resume after resume and get nothing
back. Your resume is perfect, you never forget your follow-up and you have outstanding letters
of recommendation. What could possibly be wrong?

Before you stress yourself out so much that you start entering the existential abyss, let me
assist you. I have my top three job hunting tips that will help you seal the deal.

Tailor your resume to the job that you are coveting. Never go into an interview or even just
an application blind. Do your research on the company before you even apply. Study the
company’s social media pages, website and the job description itself. What are their values?
What traits are they looking for specifically? What are keywords in the job description? Make
sure that your resume matches the company and description to a T.

Get on LinkedIn. In 2019, if you’re job hunting without utilizing LinkedIn, what are you doing?
Recruiters are using LinkedIn over everything else to fill positions. Make sure that you are on
the site with an updated profile that highlights all of your skills and experiences. Make sure that
recruiters see you when they log in. How can they find you if you’re not even out there? Follow the companies that you are interested in working for.

Triple check your network. This is one of our Sr. Recruiter, Dave Miller’s, tips to relieve job
hunting frustration. Before you give up, ask yourself if you have absolutely exhausted all of your
resources. Is there anyone that you know who may know someone whom you could get in
contact with? You never know who knows who.


Hannah Sharp               
Marketing Intern